Monday, February 4, 2013

Review:Planning a Homeschool Graduation by:Carol J. Alexander

It's hard to believe that we started our homeschool journey 12 years ago! William is a senior now and we are busy planning a graduation event for him. Carol's book is just the resource that we need! She has done all the leg work for you and placed it in this easy to use workbook. The book is helpful if you are just wanting to celebrate with your family or if you are the event organizer for you homeschool group. You will read about sample ceremonies, menu plans, and so much more! Wonder where to order rings, caps and gowns, and diplomas? It's all in the book! There are even worksheets to print to keep you orgazined and on budget! I loved the section on decoration ideas. She has great ideas on how to make the party personal and unique. We are looking forward to this special time in our son's life! More About the Book: Your child has studied hard for the last four years and now the time is drawing to a close. You would like to recognize him for his efforts but you don’t belong to a group that hosts a graduation ceremony for its members...OR... You belong to a homeschool support group that would like to host a graduation event and you were nominated as the Graduation Coordinator. Since your oldest child is 12, and you’ve never done anything like this before, you have no idea where to begin. Whatever the circumstances, Planning a Homeschool Graduation is for you. This 30-page workbook discusses everything you need to do–whether you have one graduate or twenty. That means it is the resource of choicefor parents planning an event for their own child or the coordinator of a larger event. Planning a Homeschool Graduation is designed to save you time and money with the following topics: Setting a budget—and sticking with it. Choosing the perfect location. Diplomas. Menus. And MORE...... About the Author: Carol J. Alexander has already graduated three of her six homeschooled children. As the former group leader of her county’s homeschooling support group, Carol shares from 17 years’ experience as a homeschooling parent. She has also interviewed countless other parents of homeschooled graduates and parents in charge of organizing a graduation ceremony for a large number of children. Please visit her website to learn more about her work!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your kind review. I'd like to add that if you go to the site, and use the code "newsletter" when ordering, the book is on sale for the month of February for $5.95.
