Monday, March 12, 2012

Finding Joy in Depression eBook Review & Giveaway

When reading one of my favorite blogs I learned that Amanda was writing a ebook on depression. I was excited to read it. Her post are always clear and so down to earth. I knew that the ebook would be the same and I was not dissapointed. She is not a doctor nor a psychiatrist. She is just someone sharing her story in hopes that it will change lives and I feel that it will. Depression is so rampant in today's society. Some people look down on the disease and think that it should be easy to over come. Unless that have dealt with it in their own lives it is very hard to understand. In Amanda's books she shead light on the topic is a great way. In the first section she talks about what depression is and some symptoms. The second part is hints and tips on how to deal with depression and how to have victory over it. It's not often that joy and depression are mentioned together. In Amanda's book you will find ways to make it so!

My favorite part of the book was the chapters that are at the end of each of them. It gives you time to reflect on what you have just read and ways to apply it to your life. Another neat feature was each chapter starts with an inspiring quote or bible verse. Those thoughts were very uplifting!

You can learn more about the book here: A sample chapter is online to read and if like what you see you can buy it there as well. It's only 4.99 and is available in pdf, Kindle and Nook format!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. This is a great book! I'm reviewing it myself {so not commenting to enter the giveaway}. I think this book will help a lot of woman out there...some may not even know they are depressed. Thanks for sharing! =)
