Friday, March 7, 2014

Asia: Its People and History Review

A great new book  Asia:Its People and History by Bonnie Rose Hudson is hot off the press! This book will teach your children all about the countries of Laos, Bangladesh, Nepal, Iran, China and Vietnam.  Not only will they learn about geography and daily life in those places it covers their spiritual needs as well. The book is written for children ages 8-10, but a wide variety of ages will glean so much from this resource!  As a mom even my eyes were opened to a great many things! The book is written in Biblical Worldview and will give families and idea on the needs of the people of Asia.

One thing that I loved about book was the way it's laid out.  You can tweak it to fit your own schedule of course  but I liked the suggestions of covering each country in 2-4 weeks.  At his rate the material will last you 16 weeks. Another great feature was the book list. Lots of the books listed can be downloaded for free! IF you want to add more to the unit you can visit the authors website for bonus content and download even more activities.

After reading each story segment there are activity pages that enhance to learning.  Another great feature was the book list. Lots of the books listed can be downloaded for free!

The story that moved our family the most was the one called "Jesmin's Journey." This bought to light the fact that may kids not not live in a safe area and may not have enough food to eat. My kids really wanted to know how they could help out so we are looking into sponsoring a child through Gospel for Asia, Compassion International or World Vision, Inc.

  The E-book version of Asia: Its People and History is available at the Schoolhouse Store at:  Use the promo code 02asia14! (include the explanation mark in the code) to save on at the Schoolhouse Store through 3/15/14.